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Chapel Information


Southern Nazarene University seeks to create and nurture a Christian Community. As the only activity for which the total University community meets together regularly, Chapel and Christian Formation Events contribute significantly to this end. Due to this, Chapel and Christian Formation Events are viewed as an integral part of the SNU experience. The University’s purpose is to make Christlike Disciples through Higher Education. In accordance with this understanding of the significance of Christian Formation, all full-time students, carrying (11) eleven hours or more of University credit, are automatically enrolled and required to attend Chapel and/or Christian Formation Events. In order to fulfill Christian Formation requirements, students must obtain twenty-five (25) attendance credits per semester.

Chapel Services and Attendance

Services are planned and directed by the University Pastors and the Office of Christian Community. Chapel services are  held on Tuesday and Thursday of each week during the first and second semesters of the academic year. In addition to  these Chapel services, there will be approximately 15 additional pre-approved worship opportunities which may be used  as Christian Formation Credits. In total, there will be 50 opportunities each semester through which students may acquire  their 25 required credits. By meeting this attendance expectation, the students pass chapel for that semester. Students  must arrive within 10 minutes of the beginning of an event to receive credit. Credit for Christian Formation attendance is  obtained by scanning their I-Attended app from their phones. 

Christian Formation Credit Exemptions

All traditional full-time undergraduate students are required to obtain Christian Formation Credits.

In rare cases, a semester exemption may be requested. Exemption/reductions are considered individually and are subject  to the final decision of the Christian Formation Exemption Committee. Exemptions are granted for one semester at a time.  You must reapply for subsequent semesters. All requests for any type of exemption/reduction must be approved by the  Office of Christian Formation. Exemptions/reductions are rare and only granted for unusual extenuating circumstances. Exemptions are guaranteed to students who fall into the following categories:

  • Students who carry a “non-typical” enrollment pattern. (part-time students enrolled in less than 11 hours) – must apply
  • Students who have successfully completed 8 semesters of Chapel – must apply
  • Students 25 and older – apply entry semester only for ongoing exemption

Everyone seeking an exemption must apply by the 10-day count of classes. It is the responsibility of the student seeking  exemption to submit a request by the 10th day of classes each semester. Access to the exemption form and more  information can be found on under the student tab.

Requests are finalized when a student receives written confirmation from the Office of Christian Community. An exemption for one (1) semester is not automatically granted for each succeeding semester. You must apply for each subsequent semester.  

Students are responsible for their own Christian Formation attendance and records.

Follow the steps below to consult your attendance records:

  1. Go to
  2. Select Webadvisor
  3. Select Student 
  4. Login
  5. Select Chapel Requirements
  6. Select the correct term 

Chapel Behavior

Promoting an environment that is conducive to worship, listening, and community celebration is vital. In general, students should avoid behaviors which distract others or disrupt worship. Certain activities, while appropriate in another setting, are considered inappropriate for Chapel. Examples of such activities include:

  • Loud talking
  • Eating Chick-Fil-A
  • Use of laptop computers
  • Use of tablets or gaming devices
  • Studying or reading 

Students engaging in such activity will be subject to loss of credit for their attendance that day. Students who continue to behave in ways disruptive to the goals of Chapel will be subject to disciplinary action. Any student attempting to gain credit for chapel when they have not attended the chapel service or attempting to gain credit for someone else who did not attend  the chapel service will not receive credit and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Christian Formation Credit Deficiency

Students who attend fewer than 25 Christian Formation events will have the option of a make-up assignment or paying a fine of $20 per credit deficient. Students who attend fewer than 15 Christian Formation Events are additionally required to  meet with the Office of Christian Formation in order to establish a Chapel Attendance Plan and will be placed on probation.  This status will remain for the duration of the student’s tenure at Southern Nazarene University. Additional deficient semesters will result in a one semester suspension from the University. These students may apply to return to the University after their one semester of suspension. To request permission to re-enroll, a student must submit a written appeal, which will then be considered by the Office of Christian Formation administration.

If students fail to fulfill Chapel requirements, they will be notified of their fine or semester suspension. However, it is the student’s responsibility to track their chapel credits. Students who are short of the meeting the required Christian Formation Credits may have their grades and/or transcript withheld until the deficiency is fulfilled. Students with a deficiency in the semester of graduation will be permitted to receive their diploma and transcript only after the deficiency is corrected.

Disability Statement

If you need assistance with a learning, physical, or psychological disability that may affect your participation in chapel, please contact the Center for Student Success, Disability Services at 405-717-6272. All students are encouraged to seek assistance from the Center for Student Success.